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Martine, Parent

My older son has ADHD, and we've always felt his mental game was keeping him from meeting his full physical potential. Since working with Alston for Athletes, he's learned strategies to improve his emotional intelligence on and off the field. There's still a lot of work to do, but he was able to complete his first baseball season without his medication this summer

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Interning at Alston for Athletes has been one of the most eye opening experiences in my life, being able to learn more about mental health and the impact it has on practically everyone. It’s been very inspiring and I can’t wait to see how we grow from here!


Gabe, Mentee

I really like working with Marcus. I like the exercises we do because he teaches me new things. He's helped me sleep better and get better control of my emotions.

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Madison, Intern

Being apart of the Alston for Athletes has been such a positive experience in my life. Being surrounded by people who understand mental health and it’s importance is the key to changing the stigma for the better in years to come. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for this organization.

Whisper, Intern

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