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Adolescent Suicide Hotline:

1-(800) 621-4000

Adolescent Crisis Intervention & Counseling Nineline:

1-(800) 999-9999

AIDS National Hotline:

1-(800) 342-2437

Children & Adults w/ Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder:

1-(800) 233-4050

Child Abuse Hotline:

1-(800) 422-4453

Cocaine Hotline:

1-(800) 262-2463

Domestic Violence Hotline:

1-(800) 799-7233

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Hotline:

1-(800) 662-4357

Ecstasy Addiction:

1-(800) 468-6933

Eating Disorders Center:

1-(888) 236-1188

Family Violence Prevention Center:

1-(800) 313-1310

Gay & Lesbian National Hotline:

1-(888) 843-4564

Healing Woman Foundation:

1-(800) 477-4111

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Hotline:

1-(800) 662-4357

Incest Awareness Foundation:

1-(888) 547-3222

Missing & Exploited Children Hotline:

1-(800) 843-5678

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):

1-(800) 950-6264

National Center for Learning Disabilities:

1-(888) 575-7373

Panic Disorder Hotline:

1-(800) 647-2642

Post Abortion Trauma:

1-(800) 593-2273

HIV/AIDS Treatment Hotline:

1-(800) 822-7422

People Against Rape:

1-(800) 877-7422

Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Networks (RAINN):

1-(800) 656-4673

Runaway Hotline:

1-(800) 621-4000


1-(800) 366-8288

Sexual Assault Hotline:

1-(800) 656-4673

Sexual Abuse:

1-(888) 773-8368

STD Hotline:

1-(800) 227-8922

Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

1-(800) 273-8255

Suicide Prevention Hotline (LGBT):

1-(800) 850-8070

Suicide Prevention Hotline (LGBT):

1-(800) 850-8070

Victim Center:

1-(800) 394-2255

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